What is a traumatic brain injury?
Keywords: TBI, brain, DAI, coma Focus Keyword: TBI What is a traumatic brain injury? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a lesion that disrupts the normal functioning of the
Prevention of Neurotrauma is the Best Treatment
Authors: Andres Munive 1, Luis F. Carbonell 1, Yancarlos Ramos-Villegas 1 , Tariq Janjua2, Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar 1 Colombian Clinical Research Group in Neurocritical Care, Bogota, Colombia Department of Critical Care Medicine, Regions Hospital. Saint Paul, MN, USA Prevention
Quality indicators for TBI patients
Keywords: TBI, CENTER-TBI, quality indicators Background Are quality indicators for TBI patients useful? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents one of the most important pathologies these current days, with morbidity and mortality on the rise all over the world. In
Neurotrauma and Info-pollution: A call for action
Authors: Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar, MD | Colombian Clinical Research Group in Neurocritical Care, Bogotá, Colombia Tariq Janjua, MD | Critical Care Unit; Regions Hospital; Saint Paul, MN, USA Keywords: information, info-pollution, neurosurgeons, patients Neurotrauma and Info-pollution – what actions are needed? Providing
Can TBI affect emotions and behavior?
Keywords: TBI and anger, TBI and behavior, TBI and emotion, TBI and aggression, TBI and disability Focus keyword: emotions and behavior Can TBI affect emotions and behavior? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) leads to different types of disability with consequences affecting